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Openfabric enables startups to be more agile, be more competitive and scale faster by leveraging the exponential power of AI technology

Technology as the Ultimate Leveler
Apr 11, 2022 4 minutes

Technology as the Ultimate Leveler

Welcome to the third and final installment of our series on ‘Wealth Creation in the Age of AI’. Part 1 of our series deals with how startups have come to be known as the ultimate medium for wealth creation. We also touched upon the interrelated concepts of innovation and idea creation in that blog post. […]

Understanding AI and Wealth Creation in a Startup
Mar 23, 2022 6 minutes

Understanding AI and Wealth Creation in a Startup

If we look back in history, humankind has always been on the path to wealth creation in a startup of any kind. Although people did not know them as startups then, they still had the same foundational idea. This can probably be traced back to when the earliest settlements started taking shape. However, nowadays we […]

Meta-creation – building tools for creation
Mar 9, 2022 5 minutes

Meta-creation – building tools for creation

Coming up with something new is nothing short of magic. Human ingenuity knows no bounds and our ability to think and conjure up things out of virtually nothing has enabled us to make such tremendous progress. Idea creation is a fascinating topic and the more you delve into it, the more you realize the power […]

How Startups and Focused Teams Can Drive Creative Innovation
Jun 17, 2021 5 minutes

How Startups and Focused Teams Can Drive Creative Innovation

Small, focused teams, for example, startups, can by their very design and composition create better improvements than larger teams. Here we are going to talk about why this is the case. In addition, we will see how Openfabric’s self-selected team of highly professional developers hope to empower others. How? By helping them unlock vast amounts […]

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