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May 19, 2023 1 minute read

Webinar Recap: Introduction to Openfabric Technology

On-Demand Webinar Recap

Did you miss this eye-opening session? Over the past few weeks, our dedicated team has been diligently toiling away, pouring their hearts and souls into creating one of the most remarkable technological advancements the world has ever seen. And yesterday, at an awe-inspiring community event, we had the privilege of unveiling our progress, showcasing not only our groundbreaking technology but also the profound vision that drives us forward. We addressed crucial questions regarding our flagship product, Openfabric Xplorer, and what sets us apart from other startups in the same space.

During the webinar, participants discovered the limitless potential of Openfabric Marketplace, and what it means for Data Scientist, Developers and Infrastructure Providers. We discussed the innovative technologies powering our platform, ensuring scalability, and guaranteeing a high-quality user experience. The reliability of our marketplace app was emphasized.

Andrei Tara~ We are simply making AI applications accessible to everyone while providing values to our global community.

The highlight of the event was an absolutely mesmerizing real-time demonstration of our protocol, powering the most sophisticated and state-of-the-art AI applications imaginable. It was a moment that left everyone in awe! For those who couldn’t attend, I urge you to watch the summary video available at the link below: 


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