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Internet of Ai

Openfabric is the Internet of AI connecting people, data and technology, a decentralized AI ecosystem where everyone can reply manage and benefit from AI.

Bridging the gap between AI and Millennials
Aug 16, 2024 7 minutes

Bridging the gap between AI and Millennials

Technological advancements are so rapid that it is easy to lose track of them. This can clearly be seen in the adoption of AI technology by individuals that were born into rapid technological growth as compared to those that weren’t. Generation Z and Generation X are the major users of technological advancements such as AI, […]

Overview of Decentralization in Social Media: How it works.
Aug 9, 2024 9 minutes

Overview of Decentralization in Social Media: How it works.

Social media has come a long way since the early days of Facebook. However, as the years go by various trends emerge that are gradually changing social media. In more recent times, decentralization in social media is causing a revolution in how we interact, share, and connect online. What is decentralization? Decentralization means spreading power, […]

Introducing the Openfabric Blockchain Explorer
Jul 19, 2024 3 minutes

Introducing the Openfabric Blockchain Explorer

The emergence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has created numerous possibilities in various sectors. Thus, people carry out cryptocurrency transactions every second in different industries. Transactions carried out using traditional financial tools have severe limitations. These limitations make it harder for users to fully explore these tools. Hence, the problem that blockchain platforms aim to […]

Introducing Openfabric AI Marketplace V2.0
Jul 2, 2024 6 minutes

Introducing Openfabric AI Marketplace V2.0

Good news for both the technology freaks and AI lovers- Yes, you guessed it right, it is the launch of the new version of the Marketplace – the V2.0. In the same manner, that the App Store and the play store redefined the consumption of mobile applications, Openfabricai marketplace is positioned to become the store […]

Strategic AI Trends in 2024 for Businesses
Jun 21, 2024 6 minutes

Strategic AI Trends in 2024 for Businesses

Every business needs a wow factor that attracts customers. For some, it is the quality of their services while for others it may be the reputation of their brands. Nowadays, businesses are turning to AI strategies for their wow factor. The reason behind this is that strategic AI trends bring a unique perspective or design […]

Openfabric AI New Updates – Entering a New Era
Jun 18, 2024 4 minutes

Openfabric AI New Updates – Entering a New Era

Openfabric has dominated the AI industry again! As the internet of AI, Openfabric has once again demonstrated its resolve in creating a one-of-a-kind platform. These new updates are focused on connecting creators with the right tools and creating a seamless experience for end users. Previously, we were excited about the birth of various AI applications […]

The Future of AI in Digital Marketing
Jun 14, 2024 7 minutes

The Future of AI in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing itself is almost as old as the internet. At the earliest stages of digital marketing, it basically revolved around static websites and online advertising. However, in the late 90s and early 2000s as the internet further advanced, brand’s and businesses began to see the power of the internet for digital marketing. This set […]

Introducing Openfabric Text to Animation AI App
May 30, 2024 4 minutes

Introducing Openfabric Text to Animation AI App

Working in the context of modern collective digital content, being an apostle of innovation can be decisive. Openfabric Text to Animation Ai app presents itself as a novel innovation that is revolutionizing the manner in which videos are created. Whether you are a teacher, a journalist, a marketer or an amateur in the sphere of […]

Introducing Openfabric AI Chat with Document App
May 17, 2024 4 minutes

Introducing Openfabric AI Chat with Document App

Information is abundant but often scattered across documents, websites, and repositories. Finding the right information quickly and efficiently can be a daunting task, especially when traditional search methods fall short. But what if you could converse with your documents? Imagine asking questions in natural language and receiving precise, contextual answers in return. That’s exactly what […]

Importance Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Mar 8, 2024 19 minutes

Importance Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is transforming our world, quickly
 Certain things we begin to use and we just cannot but wonder; “How on earth did I survive without this?!”. Artificial Intelligence is the very next on this list. Where the world is right now regarding technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a revolutionary force. AI completely transforms the […]

3D Model Generator App
Mar 1, 2024 4 minutes

3D Model Generator App

In the dynamic landscape of technology, innovation continually reshapes how we interact with our world. One such innovation that has captivated the imagination of designers, creators, and enthusiasts alike is the advent of 3D modeling. From architecture to gaming, product design to animation, the applications of 3D modeling are boundless, offering a canvas for boundless […]

Openfabric 2023 Highlights
Jan 9, 2024 23 minutes

Openfabric 2023 Highlights

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s time to reflect on the incredible journey of Openfabric AI and its highlights over the past year. The year 2023 marked a significant chapter in the story of Openfabric AI, serving as a pivotal turning point with a lot of captivating developments. From the releasing of new features […]

Monthly Ecosystem Roundup
Aug 10, 2023 5 minutes

Monthly Ecosystem Roundup

If information is wealth, our Monthly Ecosystem Roundup is a gold mine.  As the year marches on, our ecosystem continues to grow and evolve at a rapid pace. With each passing month, new updates and developments emerge, new partnerships showcasing the team’s unwavering dedication to building a world-class AI platform for its users. July 2023 […]

Transcending from Zero to One – Openfabric AI’s Development
Mar 1, 2022 5 minutes

Transcending from Zero to One – Openfabric AI’s Development

Conventional growth models have no doubt led humanity to great discoveries within a short span of time. However, the disastrous consequences of mankind’s rapid progress are being witnessed today in the form of climate change and air pollution. The challenges of our present and our future require something out of the ordinary. In other words, […]

A Modern Approach to Artificial Intelligence
Nov 17, 2021 5 minutes

A Modern Approach to Artificial Intelligence

What Is Artificial Intelligence? Intelligence demonstrated by machines as opposed to human beings is classified as Artificial Intelligence. This is a basic conceptual definition, however, and there are degrees to AI competency. In other words, we can delineate gradients of “intelligence” based on what a system or machine can do. How can AI be classified […]

Utilizing Blockchain To Build A Smart Economy for AI Services
Oct 1, 2021 6 minutes

Utilizing Blockchain To Build A Smart Economy for AI Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is different from Human Intelligence! It is different in that machines, especially, exhibit a unique form of intelligence.. But there is a lot more depth to the subject before we show you a direct comparison. For starters, AI has three distinct levels; Narrow AI, General AI & Super-intelligence. We can briefly describe […]

AI Blue Ocean Strategy – Wealth and New Income Streams
Aug 16, 2021 5 minutes

AI Blue Ocean Strategy – Wealth and New Income Streams

AI-driven change is coming sooner than most of us probably expect. Today, software can already “learn” and do more and more of what people do. The possibilities are almost limitless from providing customer service and information to analyzing X-rays, reading test reports, performing system audits, and giving legal advice. As technology improves, more and more […]

Helping AI Developers Monetize Their Work
Jul 17, 2021 5 minutes

Helping AI Developers Monetize Their Work

The industry is structured today, with current best-in-class AI enablement platforms. Despite this, AI developers and data scientists face many challenges when trying to monetize their work and bringing their research and value-added projects to the market. This is a significant waste of talent, and set drawbacks to the application of AI in real life. […]

The Internet of AI: Empowering the Next Industrial Revolution
Jul 17, 2021 5 minutes

The Internet of AI: Empowering the Next Industrial Revolution

Just as the internet forever changed the way the world works, we can bring about a new wave of industrial and technological advancement. We can achieve this by enhancing human, business, and social capabilities with smart, automated, and data-driven AI technologies. These advancements, with the internet of AI will be unlike anything the world has […]

How Startups and Focused Teams Can Drive Creative Innovation
Jun 17, 2021 5 minutes

How Startups and Focused Teams Can Drive Creative Innovation

Small, focused teams, for example, startups, can by their very design and composition create better improvements than larger teams. Here we are going to talk about why this is the case. In addition, we will see how Openfabric’s self-selected team of highly professional developers hope to empower others. How? By helping them unlock vast amounts […]

Empowering the Next Wave of Accelerating Returns
Jun 17, 2021 6 minutes

Empowering the Next Wave of Accelerating Returns

What is the Law of Accelerating Returns? Most people do not understand the concept of accelerating returns. Although not very popular outside the world of tech, we will be telling you shortly. At Openfabric, we believe that we can create the next generation of technological advancements and unlock the exponential value contained therein. We hope […]

Rating in the Openfabric ecosystem
May 12, 2021 9 minutes

Rating in the Openfabric ecosystem

The role of rating systems Have you ever found yourself wondering just how many of the choices that we make when we’re navigating the Internet are influenced by other peoples’ opinions and experiences? Whenever we are deciding to watch a movie on a streaming platform or making a purchase, most of us will tend to […]

Discover the next generation internet
Jan 15, 2021 14 minutes

Discover the next generation internet

The community centered around Openfabric becoming the next generation internet continues to grow. This growth is followed by a growing interest of its members in the general ideas of the project. The team has also seen a massive increase in the number and variety of questions addressed to us across all media platforms. Additionally, the […]

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